Found 51 results
Capitation and enhanced fee-for-service models for primary care reform: a population-based evaluation. Canadian Medical Association journal. 2009;180:E72-E81.
Expanding nurses' scope of practice. Nursing leadership (Toronto, Ont.). 2009;22:1.
Guide to physician compensation.; 2009.
Perceptions of the Role of the Registered Nurse in an Urban Interprofessional Academic Family Practice Setting. Nursing leadership. 2009;22:73-84.
Ultimate doctor liability: A myth of ignorance or myth of control? Collegian. 2009;16:125-129.
Does team training work? Principles for health care. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2008;15:1002-1009.
Nursing Scope of Practice: Descriptions and Challenges. Nursing leadership. 2008;21:44-57.
Nursing Workforce Utilization: An Examination of Facilitators and Barriers on Scope of Practice. Nursing leadership. 2008;21:58-71.
What fosters or prevents interprofessional teamworking in primary and community care? A literature review. International journal of nursing studies. 2008;45:140-153.
The Development of a Feedback Environment and Role Clarity Model of Job Performance. Journal of Management. 2007;33:570-591.
Socialization tactics and newcomer adjustment: A meta-analytic review and test of a model. Journal of vocational behavior. 2007;70:413-446.
Optimizing nursing scope of practice within a primary health care context: linking role accountabilities to health outcomes. Primary Health Care Research and Development. 2006;7:284-290.
A systematic approach to maximizing nursing scopes of practice. Alberta RN / Alberta Association of Registered Nurses. 2006;62:14.
Negotiating status and identity tensions in healthcare team interactions: An exploration of nurse role dialectics. Journal of Applied Communication Research. 2005;33:93-115.
Role development and effective practice in specialist and advanced practice roles in acute hospital settings: systematic review and meta‐synthesis. Journal of advanced nursing. 2005;49:191-209.
Substitution of doctors by nurses in primary care. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2005:CD001271.
Safe Nurse Staffing: A Win-Win Collaboration Model for Influencing Health Policy. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice. 2004;5:160-166.
Traditional models of care delivery: what have we learned? The Journal of nursing administration. 2004;34:291-297.
Multidisciplinary nursing: re‐thinking role boundaries. Journal of clinical nursing. 2003;12:625-629.
The UKCC's Scope of Professional Practice–some implications for health care delivery. Journal of nursing management. 2001;9:93-100.